Celebrate With Us – International Women’s Day

On 8 March, International women’s day is celebrated with pure joy to praise the women around the globe. On this day, we celebrate the economic, cultural, political, and social achievements of women. Today, not only this day is celebrated by women, but every individual who believes in equality, women’s rights, and human rights. 

“No nation can ever be worthy of its existence that cannot take its women along with the men. No struggle can ever succeed without women participating side by side with men. There are two powers in the world; one is the sword and the other is the pen. There is great competition and rivalry between the two. There is a third power stronger than both, that of the women.– Muhammad Ali Jinnah

International Women’s Day History

International Women's Day History
International Women’s Day is celebrated on 8 March.

The first “National Women’s Day” was celebrated on 28 February 1909 in New York City. Earlier, on this day, the women garments workers of the New York factory protested for their rights, where they demanded less working hours and better pay. A year later, in 1910, a meeting was organised due to the raising of powerful voices and demands for women’s rights. At the conference, the idea was proposed for the celebration of Women’s Annual Day. However, delegators from different countries supported the idea of celebrating women’s rights and promoting equal rights.

Afterward, on March Women’s Day celebration was honoured by countries including Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland. Millions of people from these countries participated and paraded for gender equality rights, the right to vote, equal economic opportunities, and violence against women. Gradually things became official, and in 1975 the United Nations declared 8 March an “International Women’s Day”.

Which Colours Symbolise International Women’s Day?

In 1908, the women’s social and political union of the United Kingdom declared these colours to symbolise women’s day.

Purple: The colour purple states the message of justice and dignity.
Green: The colour green is a symbol of hope.
White: The colour white reminds us of purity.

All these colour combinations give a strong message of peace, equality, and transparency. The day is not specified for any country, group, age, gender, or organisation. However, this day holds all the globe under its strong message for women’s privileges. On this day, millions of voices gathered, wearing a combination of purple, white and green bands on their wrists and roaring loudly for their rights. 

Once Gloria Steinem, journalist, and activist, said; 

“The story of women’s struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist, nor to any one organisation, but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights.” 

Under this statement, we can idolise how essential the day is and how much an individual voice can convey change. Similarly, we need to celebrate this day as our day and raise our voices for positivity. While taking steps and implementing them can bring a positive change.

How is International Women’s Day Celebrated?

How is International Women's Day Celebrated
All women are united to raise their voices against violence

On this day, people gathered at different places, wearing ribbons and bands, holding banners, and conversing about women’s rights. In many countries, people appreciate their wives, mothers, sisters, female employees, friends, and other women they know by giving them flowers, cards, and presents. Further, they get rest from kitchen organising duties and other work. You will also find millions of people protesting for equal rights by taking banners in their hands. Events are organised in which speeches, debates, poetry, open mic, discussions, and awareness sessions occur. In short, the entire day is celebrated with the hope of getting a better future and equal opportunities.

Further, the campaigns are followed against the harassments and abuses with the hashtags #metoo and #timesup. You will also find the social media platforms honouring with the posts of women’s appreciation, where the females who have achieved their goals are praised by other

females. Rallies are organised, which anyone can join to record their presence on this memorable day.

How can We Celebrate Women’s Day in Pakistan?

Pakistan is a progressive country with a population of almost one hundred and twelve million women. However, the ratio of the female population is 49.2%, and the literacy rate is below 40% among them. Such a lack of literacy ratio needs a proper system where females can step out into the world without fear. Women’s status and rights diverge because of classes, urban/rural division, religious conflicts, and the lack of education. The discrimination is followed from the past, which stops women from moving forward. Nonetheless, only education and awareness can help every individual grow and be a pillar of a prosperous country.

In Pakistan, you can celebrate the day by remembering females who have played a vital part in Pakistan’s history. Similarly, you can donate to women-focused charities or arrange awareness campaigns. Support women of today and appreciate the women of tomorrow.

Final Thoughts

Being an Individual female, you must know about your rights. Set goals, and work harder to achieve them. Gender equality demonstrates equal opportunities for both men and women. Equality adds value in every domain, including gender-equal government, gender-equal sports, gender-equal health, gender-equal workplaces, gender-equal media roles, gender-equal fairness, and respect. 

However, we aim to build a society that values equal opportunities to create a healthier community—besides, the empowerment of women and their leadership impact economic prosperity. Once the rights are given, it is a win-win situation for a country. With this hope, we end our blog here and pray for a better future tomorrow.

“Together, we are strong. Together we will raise a beautiful generation.” 

We wish you a very Happy Women’s Day from JagahOnline. Furthermore, you can discover our blog on Karachi Port Grand and Lahore Food Street. For more updates keep reading Jagah Online blogs